Genuine (1920)
Nope. Genuine Wasn't That Kind Of A Vampire (But, It Would've Helped If She Was)
6 August 2014
Regardless of this silent-era picture now being almost 100 years old, it's still not worth more than a 2-star rating, in my books.

Believe me, this German export was pretty bloody awful (even when I took into account it being a product of cinema's by-gone days).

For one thing - Had the leading actress, Fern Andra (who played the title character, Genuine) been even marginally attractive, then, yes, that would've certainly helped this nonsensical film at least rise above its sub-par mediocrity.

But this actress (with her frizzy hair and bug eyes) had to be one of the absolute, most dog-ugly dames imaginable, regardless of the era of fashion that she represented.

It's especially when you take into consideration that the Genuine character was supposed to be an irresistible seductress (aka. vamp-ire), where all the men were literally falling head-over-heels in love with her (and actually quite willing to commit murder, if she so commanded) that her decidedly cheap and somewhat creepy looks rendered her (along with the rest of the movie) as being repulsive rather than attractive.

Besides not being even slightly entertaining (even from a nostalgic point of view), I found this moldie-oldie, with its ridiculously exaggerated acting, to be nothing but a stale, old joke told in very bad taste.

Thank goodness this film only had a running time of just 43 minutes.
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