Enjoyable, but would vastly benefit from digital remastering!
9 August 2014
This is the 3rd of Mylene's shows that I've watched recently, in reverse chronological order. "En Concert" is from 1989 and unfortunately, the VHS version I saw showed its age, with Mylene appearing extremely bright white against a hazy background for the most part. Quaint 1980s lighting styles and some over-exuberant camera-work at times added little to the enjoyment either. I hope a celluloid version of this show exists somewhere as it would be a crying shame to lose it.

That said, I enjoyed pretty much the whole 80 mins runtime. I've never been a big fan of Maman a Tort, which for me was the low point of the show. Everything else was fine, with Tristana and Libertine towards the end, being especially great. Mylene's theatricals certainly enhance the show, which was rather more Gothic, rocky and guitar-based than I expected and she sang well throughout, especially considering how energetically she ran around at times. She clearly worked very hard during this performance.

If I had attended this show in 1989, I may have just about become an MF fan, even before Anamorphosée, which was when I really noticed her. An interesting, historical document which strongly hints at the wonderful songs and shows yet to come.
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