"One of the greatest movie stars was Rin Tin Tin......
17 August 2014
.....It can't be much of a trick!" Mitchum is quoted in an early insert about his famous Rin-Tin-Tin sentence;but he is not mentioned once afterward ,which gives the movie a surrealistic feel.

An offbeat road movie,featuring Olivier Gourmet as a lousy manager and Pablo Nicomedes as an insomniac actor who mumbles more than he speaks .Both are in search of a director ,who ,they think,can take them to fame and fortune.

Frankie Pastor ,the would be thespian ,is rather limited since he can only play one scene in a movie made by their idol/director called "fatal angel" ;but to find him,they have to travel to the Arctic Circle where a film festival takes place ;but the further they travel ,the harder it is to meet this ghostly figure.

The ending might be a justification of the title :"I invest my money in oil" says Sarineff :because ,as Mrs Desmond in "Sunset blvd" said :"pictures got small" or because as M.Mitchum himself reportedly claimed :"The stars today are just masturbation images"?
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