It's a rather patchwork of disjointed and poorly explained situations, it has so many loose ends, that only a legitimate fan of anime and manga is able to see a logical script line. Despite presenting a very good CGI,lush scenery and characters with huge potential the movie fails miserably in creating a new audience for Saint Seiya universe and please the old fans. Analyzing purely as a common movie, it's just mediocre and will be easily forgotten by youngers ... The final script brink of chaos, undergoes a bewildering do speeds up precisely in the huge point of this movie, where should really be about, the battles. Whitch are the base point of original saga plot. Here, only three can be described as the level of what is expected of the franchise, the other comes down in one or two hits and go for resounding defeats. One of the main character has a death that takes seconds to happen without even a real confrontation. This movie completely lost the basic points of the original plot. However the Saint Seya universe does not allow the film to be classified as just a kids movie. All a dark tone, violent, while psychologically loaded, with cursing, self motivation speeches and mantras about friendship and trust were exchanged with a jocular tone, with dry and empy dialogs and contained violence and forced misplaced comedy. But worst of all was one of the characters subvert. He was originally a psychopathic killer and became sort of a carnivalesque version of Cap. jack Sparow. paradoxically singing in harmony with those who would represent the agony of the imprisoned souls of their victims as macabre props ..your necrophiliac house was turned into a Disney musical stage. Not to mention he was defeated effortlessly by a challenger. By any reference to the original story, it should be a dark character and provide a real challenge to be defeated. To quote one of the many holes in the script, the story cites the need to cross all the houses of the signs, but some are summarily ignored. In short, it's a caricatured representation of what the anime represented over a very weak and careless script. The climax of the film is equally disappointing, contains all the clichés about confronting the grand final villain.