Ron Burgundy in space
18 September 2014
What a waste of a production! Of all concerned... time, energy and resources.

Even Anchorman (Ron Burgundy) needed an anchor! Some kind of a story arc to strap the 'funnies' onto. This film felt like a drawn out sketch, a ten minute comedy routine, stretched to it's very suffocation point.

It ran it's length, with no sense of urgency or that the story or it's characters were going anywhere. Just one unfunny and stilted scene after another. The film, like the interiors of the station, all felt cheap, non atmospheric and anti-cinematic. Yes, the CGI was well... CGI, and the sets, a cross between Space 1999 and Red Dwarf - were, if somehow lifeless... were still of their period. But the acting, was... directionless. You really can tell, that no one had any fun whilst making this movie.

And talking of laughs? ...were there any?

I don't know, if from seeing the poster... anyone is expecting 'Guardians of the Galaxy' type mayhem? But a very stilted and unfunny 'Ron Burgundy in space' impersonation... is what you'll feel you got.
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