Usually with low budget horror movies you know what you are getting before you even watch the film, bad acting and dumb story. There are exceptions but for the most part the most you can hope for is a high kill count and high gore level. "Run Like Hell" manages to cover all 4 of those bases pretty hard.
Right off the bat I just have to say, this movie is DUMB, very very dumb. The dialogue, the characters, the story is all just insanely lame. However, this makes for some pretty hilarious moments. Me and my friends actually had a blast laughing at some of the terrible dialogue. The banter between the bad guys is mind numbingly stupid but it is also pretty damn funny. Then you have moments where the main the characters are having conversations but they make no sense at all, one character will say one thing and the other character will respond with a completely unrelated line.
The body count is pretty high, mostly due to the fact there is a endless amount of killers in this movie. Every scene there seems to be 2 or 3 new baddies added to the bunch. For the most part the kills are pretty lame and tamed though, however a few stand out and are pretty cool.
Overall this movie is a crapfest, but it is a fun crapfest. Go into expecting crap and you might just have a good time. Dumb fun for sure.
Right off the bat I just have to say, this movie is DUMB, very very dumb. The dialogue, the characters, the story is all just insanely lame. However, this makes for some pretty hilarious moments. Me and my friends actually had a blast laughing at some of the terrible dialogue. The banter between the bad guys is mind numbingly stupid but it is also pretty damn funny. Then you have moments where the main the characters are having conversations but they make no sense at all, one character will say one thing and the other character will respond with a completely unrelated line.
The body count is pretty high, mostly due to the fact there is a endless amount of killers in this movie. Every scene there seems to be 2 or 3 new baddies added to the bunch. For the most part the kills are pretty lame and tamed though, however a few stand out and are pretty cool.
Overall this movie is a crapfest, but it is a fun crapfest. Go into expecting crap and you might just have a good time. Dumb fun for sure.