Nice short directional debut by Hayao Miyazaki alone.
5 October 2014
"Yuki no Taiyou", also called "Yuki's Sun", is a 2-minute short animated pilot by Hayao Miyazaki year 1972. This pilot was based on a popular girls' comic by Tetsuya Chiba which was serialized around 1962-63.

Basic plot: As in the comic, this short pilot centers around Yuki, a 10-year old orphan who's being adopted into a family.

In my opinion, this short pilot has nice 70s animation and wonderful drawings. The story has some dramatic moment, but is told in a way so children should manage to follow.

This short film is to be remembered for at least one thing, because this one marks the first time the great Hayao Miyazaki has directed something alone. This one was made as a pilot for a television series which for some reasons was never realized.

Ever since this pilot, Miyazaki went on to make lots of amazing animated movies like "My Neighbor Totoro" (1988), "Spirited Away" (2001) and "Howl's Moving Castle" (2004), until his retirement after his last film "The Wind Rises" (2013). Because his movies went very popular around the world, I believe this director will be remembered by many fans of his films.

As a pilot for a never-realized anime series, I think this highly deserves an attention, and should be something to look at. In my opinion, I give this one a full rating of 10/10.
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