A nice vehicle for 90's erotic thriller goddess Maria Ford
30 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Luscious and leggy, yet cunning and hence dangerous temptress Jessica Cross (the ever-foxy Maria Ford in peak deliciously devious and deceitful form) convinces struggling bar owner Mitch Goodman (a solid and likable performance by Matt Preston) to hire her. After saving Mitch's floundering business by coming up with a highly profitable strip act, Jessica seduces the poor sap and persuades Mitch to bump off his miserable alcoholic wife Carolyn (a perfectly bitchy portrayal by D.S. Case). Director Dave Payne, working from a dark and tawdry script by Christopher Wooden, relates the engrossingly seamy story at a snappy pace while also delivering oodles of tasty nudity and a few of steamy soft-core sex scenes. Naturally, Ford totally burns up the screen with several incredibly hot and creative striptease routines which she choreographed herself. Better still, both the gorgeously voluptuous Nikki Fritz and the delectably petite Jane Stowe strut their sizzling stuff on stage. The sound acting by the capable cast keeps this movie humming, with especially praiseworthy supporting contributions from Kevin Alber as no-count scuzzball Joey Watkins and Bob McFarland as pesky corrupt DEA agent Sam Ridley. Harry C. Box's sharp cinematography and the moody score by Eric & David Wurst are both up to speed. Recommended viewing for Maria Ford fans.
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