Events occur in real time!
6 May 2014
Wow. What an exhilarating start to the return of 24! Bombs, interrogations, shootouts, drones presidents in danger (of course!), cover-ups, & a potentially high-quality villain in Michelle Fairley ...plus a heavily transformed Chloe (still the same at the core) looking hot with that new punk-rock style!

  • Don't recall a previous season of 24 that was as fast paced or as adrenaline rushing as this, though we are still to see whether they maintain this same pace, but is a high possibility with the shortened season.

  • In short it is everything I loved about 24 but made more modern, which only adds to the quality. Couldn't hope for a more high quality return and it reminds viewers that 24, especially this new fresher version, can give blockbuster action films & even Game of Thrones a run for their money!

  • "Events occur in real time"! Hearing Jack saying this at the start was the moment I truly realized how much exactly I missed 24.

  • Last but not least...it wouldn't truly be 24 if there weren't a healthy dose of DAMMIT's from Jack which were in abundance!
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