This Sequel to the also DTV Bad Ass (2011) is More Entertaining and Funny than it has Any Right to be. The Humor here works Better than the Mega Million Dollar The Expendables (2010) & 2 (2012) and that is just Incomprehensible.
But here it is and this Time Our Espanic Geriatric Kick Asser (Danny Trejo) is Teamed Up with Another Social Security-ian, African American Danny Glover. It is with Some Charm that They go about Their Business of Taking Out the Trash.
Things Might get Overstated a Bit in the Sexual Allure Department Once Again as Both are Given Much Younger and Attractive Females to Bed and Although this is Probably Made for Light Hearted Yuks, it comes across as just Yucky.
The Rest of the Movie Delivers Good One Liners and Bloody Violence in the B-Movie Tradition and in this Aging Baby Boomer Society there is Likely to be a Bevy of these Graybeards Refusing to Retire Gracefully as long as there are Villains About.
But here it is and this Time Our Espanic Geriatric Kick Asser (Danny Trejo) is Teamed Up with Another Social Security-ian, African American Danny Glover. It is with Some Charm that They go about Their Business of Taking Out the Trash.
Things Might get Overstated a Bit in the Sexual Allure Department Once Again as Both are Given Much Younger and Attractive Females to Bed and Although this is Probably Made for Light Hearted Yuks, it comes across as just Yucky.
The Rest of the Movie Delivers Good One Liners and Bloody Violence in the B-Movie Tradition and in this Aging Baby Boomer Society there is Likely to be a Bevy of these Graybeards Refusing to Retire Gracefully as long as there are Villains About.