Hard to Get (1938)
Solid romantic comedy; Dick Powell shines
21 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I don't think I've ever watched more than one film starring Dick Powell, and I don't even remember which one that was, but finding him in this film was a delight. And throw in Olivia deHavilland, and you have a darned entertaining pairing in a pleasant romantic comedy. This is a solid "7".

Powell has 2 musical numbers that are quite good. He plays it straight with "You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby" -- one of the better renditions of the song I've heard. But hams it up a la Al Jolson with "Sonny Boy", and yes, in blackface; I know we're not supposed to like blackface, but this is a hoot.

The story is not that unique -- rich society girl (deHavilland) is put in her place was one of the common folk (Powell). But, she soon discovers that he has the potential to get involved in big business, begins to fall in love with him, and influences her father to help him. But there are some distinguishing elements here -- petrol stations, motor courts, building skyscrapers, and a crazy business bet between rivals. SO while the basic story line is not that different, there are some unique aspects of the story that help elevate it beyond many period pieces.

As already mentioned, Dick Powell and Olivia de Havilland at the top of the cast are top notch here, although in re screen time, this is very much Powell's picture. Charles Winninger, as the high society father, is interesting here; in his exercise scenes he does his own stunts, and at the age of 54, that was not too shabby. Allen Jenkins was always pleasant to see on screen, usually (as here) in a "buddy" role; Melville Cooper similarly makes the most of his butler role here. Bonita Granville wasn't very impressive as the high society younger sister, nor was Isabel Jeans as the high society mother (although I have the idea she played the role as directed). Grady Sutton was one of those character actors who just seemed made for certain types of roles, as here. Thurston Hall player the other big businessman well.

If you're at all attracted to romantic comedies, give this one a watch. I think you'll enjoy it.
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