This film tells the story of a young lawyer who turns to drug trade to make a quick buck to finance the ring for his fiancée.
"The Counselor" has a stellar cast, and I have looked forward to watching it. However, I was already disappointed by the initial scene. It involves Penelope Cruz in bed with a man for a whole six minutes, and yet the director manages to make a sec scene that's boring. The film goes rapidly downhill, as the characters incessantly talk, continuously talk and forever talk. Watching this film is like listening to a lecture. Even though the film contains gruesome murders and gun battles, it's boring beyond belief and I can't wait for it to end. I can't believe that a crime thriller can be so boring.
"The Counselor" has a stellar cast, and I have looked forward to watching it. However, I was already disappointed by the initial scene. It involves Penelope Cruz in bed with a man for a whole six minutes, and yet the director manages to make a sec scene that's boring. The film goes rapidly downhill, as the characters incessantly talk, continuously talk and forever talk. Watching this film is like listening to a lecture. Even though the film contains gruesome murders and gun battles, it's boring beyond belief and I can't wait for it to end. I can't believe that a crime thriller can be so boring.