Review of Gambit

Gambit (I) (2012)
Fans of the original Pink Panther movies will like this, it will be hit or miss with everyone else. I did really like it though.
24 May 2014
"There are moments in a life that define a man, this was Mr. Deane's. He was sprung for action and yet perfectly capable of blowing it completely." Harry Deane (Firth) is an art curator who is tired of his boss' attitude. He is mean and abusive and needs to be taught a lesson. Harry decides on a plan that involves his boss buying a fake Monet painting form someone he knows and taking the money. He just needs someone to play the person with the painting. When he sees PJ Puznowski (Diaz) all the pieces have fallen into place now all he has to worry about is putting it into action. That is the hard part. This is a funny movie but it isn't for everyone. The humor is British and this has the feel of a less slapstick Pink Panther type movie. Colin Firth is funny in this but I'm not really sure how I felt about Cameron Diaz. Alan Rickman really plays the bad guy role perfectly. As for the movie I liked it and laughed quite a bit but I can see how some people may not like it. This is not a main stream comedy and is really geared for fans of off beat British Comedy. I am a huge fan of heist movies and this one did nothing to change that. Overall, fans of the original Pink Panther movies will like this, it will be hit or miss with everyone else. I did really like it though. I give this a B.
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