Same old Cronenberg...
7 June 2014
It's always good to see that some writers still can write real good dialogues that are able to captivate, and this quality participates greatly to the enchanting aspect of the movie.

But if David Cronenberg and Bruce Wagner managed to depict the cruel world of Hollywood and its backstage with verve, cynicism and a lot of humour, why did they feel compelled to do too much especially with those ludicrous visions that completely annihilate a movie that started off pretty well ? As often happens with Cronenberg, we therefore wind up with a few risible and unbelievable points that makes the film look like a Z movie, just thinking about the scene with the dog and the reactions of the characters, or the final confrontation between Havana and Agatha — and Julianne Moore's terrible acting — is cringeworthy.

It's real shame because the writing quality only serves a scenario whose plot is badly defined and weighed down by some very dispensable elements.
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