Running Boy (2010)
Lovely yet heart-rending piece
30 December 2014
A short, beautifully filmed piece about emotional shock and family loss. You get a sense of directorial artistry evocative of Soderbergh. Lovely lighting, cinematography and symbolic moments. The overcast skies in the outdoor scenes are fitting. The only unfortunate part of the short is the usage of subtitles as the acting, music and facial expressions already tell the story. If anything the subtitles detract from the dramatic impact and the font used belongs in a lighter themed film. However, the subtitles are only used in a small portion of the film. Performance wise, I cannot help but think of Robert DeNiro the way Mukaddam purses his lips during emotionally intense moments. The indie-opera band, Olive Grain soundtracked this gem and a better choice for music could not be made. Mukaddam ought to bring us more gems like these.
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