A very funny hour.
19 January 2015
This combination of two of our wittiest entertainers makes for a very entertaining and funny hour.

Cavett and Brooks turn out to be a great combination. They both have a seemingly bottomless pit of hysterical anecdotes, and the contrast in styles – Cavett's restrained dry delivery against Brooks' high energy shtick seems to bring out the best in both. It's not really an interview, or perhaps it's a mutual interview, as the two hand off to each other, taking turns telling stories (although one gets the sense that Cavettt's brilliant ability to run an interview helps give the hour some shape, even if he does it quietly and under the table).

At times the 'set up' quality of the elements bugged me a bit – questions from the audience that felt very pre-planned, and a seemingly false pretense of spontaneity in general that can be a bit painful (and unneeded). E.g. I wish they didn't act like they had no idea Carl Reiner would tell stories from the audience of creating the 2000 Year Old Man with Brooks . But that is a minor carp about an extremely enjoyable show.
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