Bloody Mary 3D
22 January 2015
How to begin a horror film? A gratuitously lengthy steamy session of naked lesbian sex in 1904? When hubby comes home unexpectedly and catches wifey at it...how many redblooded males have fantasised about this sort of thing, especially with a stunningly attractive blonde and redhead? But not this guy, instead of joining in, he murders them both. Fast forward to the present day, and the plot is revealed. This is actually a well-known urban legend, that of Bloody Mary. Call her name when you stand in front of the mirror, and if you give the wrong reaction when she appears, it's curtains.

It's also very silly, but if you don't mind a bit of blood, the naked Mary is looking remarkably fit considering she's been dead for over a century. What else is there to recommend it? Well, the soundtrack is not bad, nor are some of the one-liners, like: "We needed something quick and cheap; for some reason I thought of you".
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