Stuart: A Life Backwards (2007 TV Movie)
Redefines bad
2 March 2015
The film starts of as a boring film about a charity worker writing a book about a homeless guy, Stuart, at one point about 10 minutes in Stuart tells him how awful such a book would be – man he got that right. The film goes on to save a little bit of cash buy substituting expensive flash-back sequences (that might require additional actors) by poor quality cartoons. The film progresses to get worse from that point.

If you really want to listen to the fairly realistic but random ramblings of a drunk homeless guy, set within a low budget film, this is the one for you. For EVERYONE else I suggest doing the world a favour by going to the supermarket/video-store and destroying all copies of this "film".

After watching half of the film I managed to convince my wife to press stop and cut our losses, so there is a chance, although unlikely, that the second half of the film is the best film in cinematic history, I'll not be renting the film again to find out.
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