See No Evil 2 (2014)
27 October 2014
See No Evil 2 (2014) - as campy as See No Evil 1, if not more, the sequel is yet further proof that being a successful wrestler doesn't mean that you will be a successful actor (as if Hulk Hogan's abysmal movie career wasn't testament enough).

To that end, Kane (Glenn Jacobs) is no Kane Hodder, nor he is any other kind of actor. Whoever the director is, and I don't actually care enough to google it, made a critical mistake in letting the talentless Jacobs have any speaking lines in the film. Wrestlers are perfect candidates for slashers -- they're big, they look intimidating, and brief flashes of their bulbous physique is enough to inspire fear. But to expect any kind of acting from these steroid-abusing freaks is like expecting real verse from rappers. Predictably, Jacobs is terrible as the film's boogeyman, and the backstory of his abuse-as-a-child-that-made-him-the-killerr-he-is-today is beyond trite.

There's a good way to do horror films in 2014, and there's a bad way. Then there's the WWE Studios way, which is to use the mentally challenged as directors and screen writers while trying to rip off better movies. See No Evil 2 is a fine example of why WWE Studios will never be anything more than a mediocre producer of bottom-rung dreck, on par with Asylum pictures. It's a shame, too, because wrestlers like Jacobs have a lot of potential as possible slashers -- provided they keep their mouths shut. Is it any surprise that this movie sucks as bad as it does?
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