Antisocial (I) (2013)
Sub-par suburban Canadian horror
9 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Twenty minutes in, I decided to go clean my kitchen instead. That should give you a good idea of how good this movie is.

Let's use the "things I learned" motif:

Balcony railings collapse no matter what force is applied.

A body in motion tends to stay in motion unless you are the good guy.

Barricading a house necessitates a montage.

Livestreaming vloggers stay on line until someone sends a video chat. Go ahead. You are undoubtedly the first one to think to do this.

Never trust a guy named Chad. Even if he is Canadian. Especially if he is Canadian

A glass sliding door will only ever be used once as a means of entry.

A person choking next to you should never distract you from web-surfing.

Christmas tree lights are remarkably strong.

College students don't swear nearly as much as you remember.

It's really hard to tell the difference between the aftermath of a really good New Year's Eve party, and a home invasion.

I don't have any quibbles with the fictional cause of the outbreak, its effects or its treatment. We long ago gave up on any sort of logic about those things in these types of movies.

It is hard however, very hard, perhaps even impossible, to make your protagonist both adorable and bad-ass. But I'll be damned if they don't try.
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