Freedom of fun (rental)
24 May 2015
Nowadays, we live in a paranoiac, oppressive world where contest, difference are either crimes or pretext to crush civil liberties. So it's very courageous from Mickael to do a comedy about oriental terrorists ! Actually at my knowledge, it's the only movie in the world with that thematic !

It's also a movie about France and his view is true : we are not a country but a collection of tribes speaking the same language. It's a bit an update of the « 3 Freres » because we can see the evolution of the country in 15 years : more cultural, more violent and as much rustic and intolerant…

In this background, Mickael delivers a great, funny movie. His girlfriend stays the same beauty and talented actress and for one time, Garcia is likable ! As usual, for the few true creative spirits, people tackles Mickael ! It's only his second movie, he does everything (writing, directing, casting, acting) and nobody likes it whereas he is the only one to make me laugh so often and so long ! It's true that he bites everything, everyone so i suppose that he can be bitten also ! In all cases, since « Morning live », he has my continuous support !
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