Offbeat Ocker comedy that bellies reality, deserves a viewing
31 May 2015
The ol Australia dream, is captured right here, in what you might say, a brilliant or positive mess of a film, a real taste of suburbia. Here in this crescent, named after a marsupial, a funny feature has neighbors all in the same garb, mowing the lawn in unison, a clear or hidden message, lying under this. Dorothy Stubbs (Hazelhurst) is turning 35, her birthday present, just lets is one hell of a start to a film. John Jarratt, way before his pre Mick Taylor killer days, back in his handsomeness, does a wild strip, which is hilarious. Dorothy, a budding writer is unhappily married to her egotistical meat proprietor of a husband (Blundell, who's really good here) though has repeated fantasies of Jarratt, who works a variety of jobs, not everyone legal. Over half the film is set on the night of this neighborhood, dress up party, and really, it's a blast. AD is a very funny movie, about desiring about what we really want, and are not getting it. But what is happiness, anyway? Is it something over rated. Dorothy's unhappiness is all too patent and real, where at times you wanna smash Blundell. It's offbeat, with some awlfully funny moments, involving drunk Mormans, middle aged guys that should keep their shirts on, and one hippie, an Alby Mangels looking type who's still living as one woman says, "In the sixties". We even have a old, cigar coughing lecturer on crutches. For Ocker comedy fans, AD is one to track down. It may warmly surprise you. Nice typewriter song too, where Hazelhurst spends many an hour at it.
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