Urban Flesh (1999)
Puritanical Gore
17 June 2015
The worst thing about this miserable movie has nothing to do with the bad acting, horrible direction, clunky pacing or cheap effects. All of this, of course, add my overall dislike of this film. What pushes it over into pure hatred comes in the form of the lead actress. Smokin' hot, she spends much of the film getting groped, eaten out, consuming penis and otherwise engaging in all sorts of sexual activity. BUT...apparently she told the director no nudity. I don't have a problem with no nudity. It's not the primary reason for watching gore flicks. I DO, however, have a problem with an actress taking a bath in bloody water (it not clear why it's bloody) supposedly diddling herself...with her clothes on. It's an "are you serious???" moment that defies logic. A few minutes later, she emerges wearing a towel.

This seems like carping but this an billed as an "EXTREME" movie. For me, EXTREME means extreme. It's not just about how much animal guts your budget can afford. It's an ethos. And when the lead actress engages in all kinds of sex but keeps her clothes on with no character development to make sense of it - you've lost your EXTREME credentials.

Outside of that, the movie plods along with tons of animals guts, leering, faux- sadistic acts and Eastern European accents. I watched the last half of the movie at 4x speed. Even that was a waste of time.
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