Frequencies (2013)
Good, intelligent science fiction
21 June 2015
If it is true that the position of sub atomic particles can be accurately predicted (and it seems to be), and if it is true that we are made of atoms (and we are) then is stands to reason that we can be predicted as well. And if that is true, then all history - into the future - is waiting for us already. This is one part of the movie. But before that, there is another great science fiction story. And true to the good science fiction that it is, it takes a real observable "fact" of our lives (in this case that some people seem to be luckier in most aspects of life than others, being at the right place at the right time etc) and builds it out into a logical conclusion, a little bit beyond "the ordinary" that life usually gives us. And it is well told. The movie starts off a bit slow, but it is used to settle the premise of the story in one's mind, so bear with it. It soon tuns into an intelligent movie that leaves one well satisfied. If you like science fiction (not the bang whiz special effects sort, but the sort rooted in ideas and good story telling)watch this one.
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