Review of Clock

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Clock (2006)
Season 8, Episode 2
good exposition of a painful dilemma
1 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I guess what prompted me to review this ep was the whole idea of "a paedophile's dream" and the user discussion of this ep, which seems to paint it as rather exploitive (reading between the {deleted} lines, presumably the kissing scene towards the end, of the young girl and older guy). Seems to me that everyone just kinda missed the point.

Dunno, but I see it more as a pretty good exposition of a painful dilemma that Janey, a girl with Turner's Syndrome, had. Here's someone in her mid- to upper-teens who has the body of a preteen. Everyone's concentrating on the guy's perspective, having Janey be "the paedophile's dream", and being able to bed down a "preteen" who's perfectly "legal" and of the age of consent.

But what about the girl's dilemma? She has a limited time to conceive if she's ever to get pregnant, presumably has a shorter lifespan than "normal" people (at least that seemed to be implied in the ep), so needs to cram more Life into her life, as her clock's ticking.

And whom can she actually date? Someone her own chronological age? There's that "paedophile's dream" again, and everyone would trash the guy as being a paedophile, even if he's genuinely in love with her for who she is, not for what she looks like.

Someone her *apparent* age as a preteen? Now *she's* the "paedophile", "robbing the cradle" if she's 18 and dates a 12yo-14yo, just so they as a couple would *look* normal.

Wow, she's damned if she does, and damned if she doesn't. She's in her own special limbo, her own never-never land. She just... can't... win.

I'm not really a fan of SVU (I'm a LO:CI guy...), but this episode seemed to me to be pretty well-written, and did a good job exposing the pain and angst someone with Turner's can have, the desperation that goes along with it, and the lengths to which someone so afflicted would go, just trying, perhaps in vain, to have something "normal" that everyone else takes for granted, and quite often doesn't even appreciate.

I guess the world just expects someone with Turner's to just be forever celibate and never date, let alone marry, *anyone*. And B'harni forbid a guy her age would go out with her, or try to marry her! He'd probably get physically attacked just like Dani (Stabler's new partner) did to the guy at the end.

I guess the world which likes things nice and neat would rather that people with Turner's just disappear into the woodwork and not make them uncomfortable by, well, *existing*.

I think SVU hit this one right on the head.
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