Review of Audacity

Audacity (2015)
Ray Comfort is on the Wrong Side of History
29 June 2015
I'm not sure if this qualifies as a spoiler but if you've ever seen a Ray Comfort evangelical tract or a clip of Ray Comfort's ham-fisted approach to preaching, nothing here will be new.

There is no question in my mind Comfort has deliberately presented an unbalanced set of responses in the interview/preachy section. We know this is probably the case because some of his interviewees in EvolutionVsGod explained that Comfort cut important parts of their answers out of his final edit in order to manipulate the material to his preferred end. Comfort is a devious and dangerous buffoon.

$300,000 worth of donations to create a bit of confirmation bias for the religious, anti-gay fringe element was no doubt a good bit of business, but Ray Comfort will always be remembered as the man who tried desperately to pump the brakes and then slam society into reverse.

Meanwhile, common sense continues to prevail and love has won.
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