Derived from a true story, the film 'Desperate Endeavors' revolves around the misadventures of newly arrived immigrant Ram Patel to NYC in 1973.
7 July 2015
Desperate Endeavors is the most spiritual picture of the holiday season; this story of redemption is a gift for moviegoers. Bollywood legend Gulshan Grover portrays the "Dada Bhagwan" with humble perfection. ...Derived from a true story, the film 'Desperate Endeavors' revolves around the misadventures of newly arrived immigrant Ram Patel to NYC in 1973. Attempting to extricate himself from a self-dug hole, 'Ram' encounters more obstacles than he can count, and ultimately finds a remedy to his numerous problems by encountering a spiritual adviser, legendary 'Dada Bhagwan' played by Bollywood star Gulshan James .P
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