Danny Collins (2015)
surprises from our past
12 July 2015
Al Pacino puts on yet another good performance as an aging rock star who finds out that he received a letter from John Lennon and decides to make some changes in his life by getting to know his son's family. The soundtrack consisting of Lennon songs is really what helps the movie. It's not the most profound story, but who doesn't love hearing a Lennon song (whether with the Beatles or on his own)? Aside from Pacino, Annette Bening puts on the other really good performance. Her hotel clerk comes across as someone who needs as much of a change in her life as Danny needs in his. They both need a second chance, and Danny's quest for redemption just might be the opportunity.

That this is based on a true story makes it all the more interesting. A letter from John Lennon would be worth more than I can imagine. I hope that Steve Tilston appreciates what's in his possession, and I hope that he appreciates Al Pacino's performance.
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