Brotherhood (2015)
Ho hum
18 July 2015
I'm in between the two other reviewers. I think some of this is very funny, the guy who plays Toby particularly so.on the other hand it certainly lacks something. I struggle a lot with the girl who plays Poppy, she's too over the top, and not remotely funny. I think they need more locations, just the flat, or the office is boring. A lot of the jokes have been done before, and better. I wonder why we can't do great comedy these days? Or am I too used to the high budget American ones? A lot of the dialog seems forced,too. The actual concept is a good idea, just the execution fails. Not sure if this will make a second series without a lot of tweaking, and replacing the 2 main female cast members. It needs a faster pace, more variety, and a plot. I'll keep watching, but it certainly isn't Only fools and Horses.
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