Review of Paper Towns

Paper Towns (2015)
Paper Towns
25 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start out by saying I never read the book, so I can't possibly have any beef in that area. I also didn't see TFIOS previous to this, so I can't compare. However, I was extremely unimpressed by this movie overall.

I was impressed when the anti-climax came, and Margo basically just told Quentin, "Hey, you're crazy for coming all this way. Nothing I did actually was meant for you in any way." At this point, I was thinking, that's pretty ballsy for them to lead all the way up to this nihilistic shattering of idealism for Quentin.

And then they just half-assed it.

I was disappointed when the ending came and they tried to sort of flip it around, like, "Wait, no, it DOES have meaning, see? They had fun!" If they had stuck to the tone of that scene with Margo and Quentin in the parking lot, I would've given this a 6 or a 7 out of 10, even though the rest was just average.

I liked some of the other characters' small changes and the flirting with the idea that they're all going away to college to never see each other, but Quentin's character arc was simply not there. He started as just a spectator, and ended as just a spectator.

Overall, I give this a 5/10 for just being a mediocre movie overall, and the pacing feeling a bit strange sometimes.
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