"Feline Follies" is a 1919 4-minute black-and-white cartoon about Felix the cat. American director Otto Messmes made this one almost 100 years ago and he went one to become one of the defining animation filmmakers in the 1920s before the real boom of cartoons started a decade later. He is probably not a name to many anymore today, but the Animation Oscars Annie Awards honored him with their most precious award.
The animation in this cartoon here is still really basic, that's why I cannot really recommend it, but the jokes are all fine and were reused in much more known films in decades afterward, such as the cat that is blamed for the chaos the mice made, or the mice having a party when the cat isn't home or people in the neighborhood complaining about cat noise. A solid watch all in all I guess, but really only for people who like old films.
The animation in this cartoon here is still really basic, that's why I cannot really recommend it, but the jokes are all fine and were reused in much more known films in decades afterward, such as the cat that is blamed for the chaos the mice made, or the mice having a party when the cat isn't home or people in the neighborhood complaining about cat noise. A solid watch all in all I guess, but really only for people who like old films.