High Treason (1929)
6 years before Things To Come
30 March 2015
The landmark British sci fi film made in 1936 by Korda had many prophecies about a world war which would commence in 1940.This film,made in 1929 was forecasting a war between Europe and the USA based,somewhat oddly on a border incident.Itforecast war in 1950 and mass destruction by bombers.so I wonder if either H.G.Wells or Korda saw this film and were influenced by it.The sets and the costumes are very stylish and also very art deco.In reality in 1950 it would be austerity.This film was made on the cusp of sound.The version I saw was silent so I wonder if a sound version exists.The fact that there are a lot of explanatory sub titles indicates that it was probably filmed as a talkie with silent copies issued to cinemas who had not installed sound equipment.In any event by 1930 the silent film was to all intents and purposes dead.This is therefore a real curiosity.
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