Like every religion that would attempt to make a documentary film such as this (although I doubt many have the funds available to produce a film like this) they fill the screen with inspirational story after inspirational story. Watching a documentary with such a one-sided approach is not only eye-rollingly cheesy and insulting, but is probably only attended by few other than members of their church (and I see they showed up to provide reviews (hint: check out the meta score to factor out the Mormon influence on IMDBs ratings)). What's insulting is their claim to all that is good and charitable. But, who expects a fair and balanced view of anything that was completely produced and controlled by that entity. As a matter of fact, this movie is exactly what is expected. Very obvious to anyone not a member. The one indication that they were attempting to trick the watcher into believing they wee presenting a fair view of their church was spending the first 5 minutes demonstrating how ignorant non-Mormon Americans are about their church. Of course this segment is filled with the most ridiculous responses to their questions. I would bet that non-Mormons are no more ignorant of the Mormon church than Mormons are of other religions (not covered at all in the film). This movie is as informative as a Walmart commercial is about Walmart (For all you appearing in he first 5 minutes: not very).