Flutter (2014)
Great Independent Film with lots of Heart.
13 April 2015
It's always refreshing to find a hidden gem in life. Sometimes it's something as simple as finding a $1 bill in your pants pocket before doing the laundry or a nice bottle of beer in the back of the refrigerator you had forgot was there. However finding a great movie that you didn't know existed is one of the great pleasures in life and that's how I feel about the film Flutter.

The story follows a young mother named JoLynn (played by Lindsay Pulsipher) who is raising her son who loves his pet pig, Wee Wee and fighting imaginary Sea Monsters. Johnathan (played by Johnathan Huth Jr), the son, has nystagmus, which makes his eyes "flutter." He also suffers from severe narrow angle glaucoma; an acute condition that if untreated can lead to permanent blindness. JoLynn has to battle poverty, her absence musician husband, and the threat of Johanthan being taken away by the state all while trying to do what she thinks is best for her and her son.

For this film to truly work you need a strong actress in the lead role, especially a mom who skips conventional medicine and gives her son pot brownies to battle her son's glaucoma. She also makes several decisions along the way that conventional society would frown upon. Lindsay Pulsipher is that strong actress and creates a character that is vulnerable, deeply felt, and enduring. Also her interaction with Johnathan Huth Jr is truly heartfelt and feels like they could actually be mother and son. The amazing thing is that this is Johnathan's first film role and I never would have known that without talking to Glenn Morshower while doing press for the film.

Glenn Morshower plays JoLynn's father-in-law Mark and he might be the heart of the entire film. Mark is a man who is stuck between his wife and his daughter-in-law, also while trying to do what's best for his Grandson. The scenes between Glenn and Lindsay are also a highlight to the film and showcase what both great actors they are in this film.

The great thing about independent film is that there are no rules that can be followed. There is no guarantee that the lead actor/actress will make it out of the film alive. There is no guarantee that there will be a happy ending. There are no guarantees at all and that kind of film making excites me as a viewer.

I haven't even mentioned the cast of actors in this film, which include Charles Baker (Breaking Bad), Charles Halford (True Detective), and Jesse Plemons (Breaking Bad). All shine in this film and make this movie worth your time. Writer/director Eric Hueber says the story line for Flutter was inspired by his own mom, who was only 19 when he was born and died in 2010. Kudos to him for bringing part of his personal life on screen and making it an amazing experience.
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