Mickey Mouse (2013–2019)
Not exceptionally creative but absolutely hilarious
17 April 2015
A few months ago my class went to Disney World for our senior trip and this program was nonstop rotating on one of the local channels. It took a few episodes for my friends and I to realize that this show is unlike anything that we have ever seen from the Disney company. Once we came to this understanding, we were laughing hysterically through every episode. This contains outlandish bizarre, humor that greatly differs from the feeble silliness of most other modern children's programs. The faces that characters make (an example being when Goofy removes the blindfold in "Potatoland", my favorite episode) are straight out of dementedly animated online videos such as the Hellbenders. These obscure, freakish faces in combination with the characters' brilliantly random lines gave me and my friends one of the most unexpected hilarious experiences ever. It might just be that we have a warped sense of humor and no one else finds it funny for the same reasons as us. I understand that this greatly strays from the classic Mickey cartoons and that may upset people. But when this show stands on its own, it is an excellent piece of art. The art design is fantastic and enjoyable in its simplicity. Like I said, the small moments are "brilliantly" random, for no one can just create a perfect idea for one off the top of their head. There is a expertise required to craft these sort of nonsensical lines or actions from characters, and this show has it on point. I deducted 3 stars because as a writer I feel that there is nothing exceptionally creative about the actual plots of the episodes. Spongebob Squarepants is the greatest cartoon of all time in my opinion(during seasons 1-3) and almost every episode in the first 3 seasons I believe is centered around a creative concept (such as a race for snails in which Patrick enters his pet rock). Many of the plots of the Mickey Mouse episodes are one-dimensional and probably took little effort to craft. Of course, all of the episodes are 5 minutes long and have almost no room to tell an actual story, but the writers could work around this limitation. "Potatoland" was one of the few episodes I can think of off the top of my head that had any potential to satisfy viewers who seek "intelligent" stories. So the show resorts to what many could call "stupid comedy", but it is one of the best at doing so. I'll end on a positive note, saying that this is simply one of the funniest shows I've seen in a long time.
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