Memories (2014)
Twix - A Good Choice
19 April 2015
Just saw this at the CinéFranco Festival at the Bloor Hot Docs Toronto. It was a delightful movie, filled with the wriest humour. Funny how synchronicity plays a big role in everything, just that morning I had had a discussion with a friend about dealing with older parents and the various issues involved. I loved the dialogue in the movie, I hope it came across as well in the sub-titles. The film focuses on relationships which are extremely varied. I thought the most interesting was between Romain and the hotelier. The interchanges were sparse but very meaningful. You could easily become the hotelier and understand his situation. Other characters were off the wall such as the receptionist at the tourist bureau in Normandy and the gas bar attendant. The grandmother was a determined individual who loved every minute of life. There was a mixture of all sorts of different scenes, that you never got bored. Romain's room mate was also a real mec, always pursuing the latest gonzesse!
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