Wow, it is still on Pause I cant take it any more !! Bruce is good , but wow - My kid can fire guns and not miss too - Yikes ! Simply bad stereo typed detective role for what's his name ?? Wow I can say much maybe I spent to much money on this at Target - yikes - REFUND , to the 1.00 bin -- Wow - I honestly think Bruce did this to help someone .... I don't think he would take on this film ... unless he was trying to help a student and or an up coming actor .... Maybe he can shed light on why he took this role .... anyone know ?? -- Some scenes just do not make sense , the weapons hit NOTHING and that tracker ?? He should have known they were coming like duh .... Many Many Duh moments and , what ? Moments and or Wow they are bad shooters .... Yikes -- Bruce can I have my 10 bucks back please.....