Did The Guy Who Designed The Poster See The Film ?
12 May 2015
And the most misleading poster award goes to ISLAND OF THE LOST . I mean if you've got a poster with a screaming face of a creature with yellow eyes , green skin and very sharp teeth you might think you're going to be watching a horror film . It really is a fantastic poster - for another film entirely and it's amazing if the marketing men didn't run in to any trouble with this . It's an incredibly stupid idea too because no responsible parent is going to let their children watch a gory horror . And yet ISLAND OF THE LOST is a Walt Disney type family film !

It wasn't until halfway through watching this family friendly non horror film that I realised I'd seen it many years ago one morning on ITV circa 1983 . It's hardly unforgettable must see cinema but the reason I remember it is because it's got some of the most bizarre monsters ever seen on the silver screen - vicious murderous ostriches with horns on their head , that kick their victims senseless and eat them alive which if nothing else shows an imagination of sorts even if it's by default . There is another jarring aspect and that is the teenage lad never resists the opportunity to play a tune while his siblings put on a sexy dance show Listen sonny these are your siblings you're drooling over . I suppose it could have been worse with the family shipwrecked in the Vatican or BBC television centre , but not much worse
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