Although I missed the first episode, I could luckily catch up on YouTube. I have to say I don't watch any British soaps on TV, expect for quiz shows, but this one's an exception! PREMature portrays some of the actual problems that we see in some families, schools and generally in society. Watching the first episode for me personally was like an eye-opener as it made me realize that there are people my age facing more problems than I am, which leaves me with no right to complain about anything but appreciate. The very first few scenes were quite interesting and took me a while to figure out what was going on. But by the end the story became clearer. I really liked some of the camera angles and the style of shooting which made it more engaging and realistic. For example, the style of shooting that they used in the classroom scenes helped give a better perspective, giving a feeling that you're sitting with them. PREM (the main character) is going through a really tough time, and the next episodes will reveal how he copes, which I can't wait for. PREMature wasn't a let down for something that hasn't got a lot of marketing and I loved it. I really recommend watching it.