I can only assume that people are or were very happy to see Jack back in Action. And I was and kind of am still too. That doesn't change the fact, that the show overall (the whole 12 episodes, not 24 anymore) is not really actually getting up. Sutherland is doing what he's supposed to do and he is Jack (which makes you wonder, why and when people will finally just start listening to him, without doubting his apparent strange motives - why is he doing it again? Oh yeah, because he's a good guy with strong fists).
The character of Chloe (and I'm assuming you know your 24 at least a bit and have seen the previous seasons) is back, but so are other characters. You'll find out soon enough. So while it is not necessary, you might want to revisit those earlier seasons. Although they may remind you, how great this show once was. But to Chloe: The actress portraying her, is able to act (as seen in Californication to name one example), but has some issues with her lines and the role itself here. That pouting and sad face does not become her, but it also doesn't work.
Normally you wouldn't have time to notice all that, because once upon a time this show had a pace that was really tough to keep up with. So any logical mistake or anything at all (like the convenient timing of events happening in order or people being able not to sleep for 24 hours and still be up for anything), but not here. Even though it's only 12 episodes that had to be written, the show actually achieves something that is both extraordinary, yet the silliest thing it could do: you get fed information more than once. And while it makes (kind of) sense to review what happened in earlier episodes, one episode in particular goes way beyond that. You get fed one piece of information three times in a row!!! That's right! It plays in a hospital, and after a conversation we listen in to, someone says what was talked about in that conversation right after that. Just so we get the same information again (!) for a different person.
This is lazy writing and it is a shame, not to mention a complete "no go" for any decent writer. Things like that mess up the story flow (and it's not the only example) and undermine the greatness of the show. If Sutherland weren't that charismatic and other things would work in its favor, you could actually go way lower than my vote. Or if you don't care at all, about character motivation, Jack punching (innocent) people and generally repeating "I promise you once all this is over ..." - Jack haven't you learned? It's never over! So if you don't mind all those things and actually thrive on them, you might rate it higher. Which actually would be a slap in the face of other really well made shows - including the first few seasons of 24 ...
The character of Chloe (and I'm assuming you know your 24 at least a bit and have seen the previous seasons) is back, but so are other characters. You'll find out soon enough. So while it is not necessary, you might want to revisit those earlier seasons. Although they may remind you, how great this show once was. But to Chloe: The actress portraying her, is able to act (as seen in Californication to name one example), but has some issues with her lines and the role itself here. That pouting and sad face does not become her, but it also doesn't work.
Normally you wouldn't have time to notice all that, because once upon a time this show had a pace that was really tough to keep up with. So any logical mistake or anything at all (like the convenient timing of events happening in order or people being able not to sleep for 24 hours and still be up for anything), but not here. Even though it's only 12 episodes that had to be written, the show actually achieves something that is both extraordinary, yet the silliest thing it could do: you get fed information more than once. And while it makes (kind of) sense to review what happened in earlier episodes, one episode in particular goes way beyond that. You get fed one piece of information three times in a row!!! That's right! It plays in a hospital, and after a conversation we listen in to, someone says what was talked about in that conversation right after that. Just so we get the same information again (!) for a different person.
This is lazy writing and it is a shame, not to mention a complete "no go" for any decent writer. Things like that mess up the story flow (and it's not the only example) and undermine the greatness of the show. If Sutherland weren't that charismatic and other things would work in its favor, you could actually go way lower than my vote. Or if you don't care at all, about character motivation, Jack punching (innocent) people and generally repeating "I promise you once all this is over ..." - Jack haven't you learned? It's never over! So if you don't mind all those things and actually thrive on them, you might rate it higher. Which actually would be a slap in the face of other really well made shows - including the first few seasons of 24 ...