Dumb comedy with excruciating jokes
29 October 2015
ELVIRA'S HAUNTED HILLS is a follow-up to 1988's ELVIRA: MISTRESS OF THE DARK, starring Cassandra Peterson as the TV horror host turned movie star. Peterson certainly looks the part - she's all Morticia wig and barely-concealed bosom - but sadly the quality of jokes in this would-be affectionate spoof of the horror genre is awful, which really drags things down a lot.

The story is set during the 19th century and sees Elvira and her maidservant arriving at a spooky old haunted castle, where the crazed inhabitant is searching for the spirit of his lost love. The only part of this I really appreciated is that it's a spoof of the old Roger Corman/Poe cycle, in particular THE TOMB OF LIGEIA, with Richard O'Brien occupying the Vincent Price role. There are also many nods to the likes of THE PIT AND THE PENDULUM and THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER, but instead of genuine wit and warmth the viewer subjected to endless pratfalls and goofy jokes. It overstays its welcome after about fifteen minutes and takes a very long time to end.
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