Like how the crap is this rated 7.8 OUT OF 10!? When ever you get bullied via. text, email, etc. you DON'T write back! I have learned that when ever you get bullied via. email or text you just block their E-mail address and/or phone number. Also, comic sans, I can't make that up! Acting is off the charts in-terms of bad, you SHOULD call the police when you find a gun lying somewhere and you can see the shadows of the camera men. Cliché kicking over sandcastle bullying, I can see why you would want to stop bullying but... By making an terrifically dull move is not the way to go about it. So my final rating for this terrible piece of garbage is a -3 out of 10.
Review of Cool Cat Saves the Kids
Cool Cat Saves the Kids
This is probably the most terrible thing I've ever seen.
6 November 2015