Forever (2014–2015)
Such an unfortunate end.
8 November 2015
This show had what many shows these days lack. And that is a genuine bona fide proper show. These days most T.V. is filled with either not so reality, reality TV or with stuff that is so awful that finding out it has fans is saddening. Rarely, do I like a show that is or has been on T.V. - In fact, I watch about 5 shows that are on T.V. and Forever was one of those shows. I thought it was a breath of fresh air and so did my brother. It had a good, not so in your face humour side with a couple of characters and it also had some decent drama and mystery and a really good plot. I mean, How many shows are there that are about an immortal man who is trying to figure out why he's stuck in the land of the living.

It was a beautiful show. I'm sorry to see that it got canceled. It seems these days anything that's original gets tossed aside while everything else that's just a clone of another gets high praise and prime T.V. spots.
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