"The First Night of My Life" is a romantic comedy with amusing moments , brief drama and charming relationships among attractive roles setting in outskirts Madrid . ¨My First Night¨ is a plain and simple comedy with some diverting moments and other briefly dramatic ones . Based on the screenplay written by known novelist Elvira Lindo , Miguel Albadalejo's usual screenwriter , carrying out a well written script delving into the ordinary people psyche . This endearing and intimate film , well directed and well acted takes place in Madrid during New Year's Eve of the Millennium where lives two expecting parents , pregnant Paloma (Leonor Watling) and her young husband , Manuel (Juanjo Martínez) . It deals with a couple that sets out for a dinner party on the millennium eve , they are Paloma and Manuel . In the meantime , they are expecting her father's visit (veteran Emilio Gutierrez Caba), who's come to their home but he doesn't know anything about the house's location . To make things worse Johnny (Carlos Fuentes) and Litri (Roberto Hernandez) appear as the young ones who steal Paloma's father car . Johnny lives with his crazy mama and his youngest brother , and he has a beautiful girlfriend (Mariola Fuentes) who subsequently meets the Paloma's daddy . Other fun characters are the attendants (Adriana Ozores and Antonia San Juan) of a gas station/convenience store .
This is an acceptable witty comedy , adding a bit of drama . The film is full of nice moments , tenderness , with an attractive relation between an upper-class man and lower-class people . As being well developed an enjoyable relationship between a deranged , unsettling man whose car has been robbed , and a spontaneous and outspoken girl of lower-class well played by Mariola Fuentes . The picture has crossed-over from Spain to become a hilarious family entertainment ; being narrated in great sense of ductility and fairness . It's an adorable , quiet film , dealing with ordinary townsfolk , being compellingly acted and concerning the narration about the relationship between a misfit bunch agreeable roles . The film attempts to spread optimism about the events of life , with its amusing sides but also including familiar discussions . Not trying to be unrealistic and make everything as in a domestic tale but giving way to mirth and humor . Plenty of emotional and family feeling in which solidarity triumphs and humor despite the poorness and penury . In addition , the film gives us a nice panorama about a lower-class family , its pity , goodness , sacrifice , work , shortage , companionship and various situations happen in its existence . Entertaining as well as tender screenplay by the same director and Elvira Lindo , the latter is a notorious Spanish writer and journalist , creator of the Spanish famous literature character Manolito Gafotas and she performed Manolito in a radio program for several years . Supporting cast is frankly nice such as Maria Jose Alfonso , Manuel Zarzo , Ana Lizaran , Adriana Ozores , Antonia San Juan and brief appearance by writers as Elvira Lindo and Antonio Muñoz Molina . In addition , special mention for veteran Emilio Gutierrez Caba . The picture achieved several prizes such as : Bergamo Film Meeting 1999 Won Golden Rosa Miguel Albaladejo , won Butaca Awards 1998 Best Catalan Film Actress : Anna Lizaran ; Mar del Plata Film Festival 1998 Won Best Film ; Málaga Spanish Film Festival 1998 Won Best Film , Best Actor Emilio Gutiérrez Caba , Special Mention Íñigo Garcés ; Ondas Awards 1998 Won Special Jury Award ; Peñíscola Comedy Film Festival Best Actress Adriana Ozores , Best Screenplay Miguel Albaladejo Elvira Lindo and Best Film Miguel Albaladejo and Cinema Writers Circle Awards, Award Best Screenplay .
There stands out the colorful and atmospheric cinematography by Alfonso Sanz , a good cameraman who has photographed most films directed by Albadalejo , being and filmed in Madrid . Lively as well as adequate musical score by Lucio Godoy , a good professional who has composed soundtracks in a lot of successful movies such as ¨All about my mother¨, ¨Blackthorn¨, ¨Fin¨, ¨Amador¨. ¨Cuento Chino¨, ¨Mataharis¨ , ¨Melissa P¨ , among others . Besides , catching songs at the end . The motion picture was professionally directed by Miguel Albadalejo , a fine craftsman expert on comedy and drama as proved in ¨Bear Club¨, ¨Volando Voy¨, ¨Rencor¨, ¨Ataque Verbal¨ , ¨Cielo Abierto¨, and this ¨The first life of my life¨, among others . Rating : 7 . Better than average as well as funny comedy/drama . This a good-feeling movie filled with love , serenity , humor elements , drama and amusement . The flick will appeal to Spanish cinema buffs . Worthwhile seeing
This is an acceptable witty comedy , adding a bit of drama . The film is full of nice moments , tenderness , with an attractive relation between an upper-class man and lower-class people . As being well developed an enjoyable relationship between a deranged , unsettling man whose car has been robbed , and a spontaneous and outspoken girl of lower-class well played by Mariola Fuentes . The picture has crossed-over from Spain to become a hilarious family entertainment ; being narrated in great sense of ductility and fairness . It's an adorable , quiet film , dealing with ordinary townsfolk , being compellingly acted and concerning the narration about the relationship between a misfit bunch agreeable roles . The film attempts to spread optimism about the events of life , with its amusing sides but also including familiar discussions . Not trying to be unrealistic and make everything as in a domestic tale but giving way to mirth and humor . Plenty of emotional and family feeling in which solidarity triumphs and humor despite the poorness and penury . In addition , the film gives us a nice panorama about a lower-class family , its pity , goodness , sacrifice , work , shortage , companionship and various situations happen in its existence . Entertaining as well as tender screenplay by the same director and Elvira Lindo , the latter is a notorious Spanish writer and journalist , creator of the Spanish famous literature character Manolito Gafotas and she performed Manolito in a radio program for several years . Supporting cast is frankly nice such as Maria Jose Alfonso , Manuel Zarzo , Ana Lizaran , Adriana Ozores , Antonia San Juan and brief appearance by writers as Elvira Lindo and Antonio Muñoz Molina . In addition , special mention for veteran Emilio Gutierrez Caba . The picture achieved several prizes such as : Bergamo Film Meeting 1999 Won Golden Rosa Miguel Albaladejo , won Butaca Awards 1998 Best Catalan Film Actress : Anna Lizaran ; Mar del Plata Film Festival 1998 Won Best Film ; Málaga Spanish Film Festival 1998 Won Best Film , Best Actor Emilio Gutiérrez Caba , Special Mention Íñigo Garcés ; Ondas Awards 1998 Won Special Jury Award ; Peñíscola Comedy Film Festival Best Actress Adriana Ozores , Best Screenplay Miguel Albaladejo Elvira Lindo and Best Film Miguel Albaladejo and Cinema Writers Circle Awards, Award Best Screenplay .
There stands out the colorful and atmospheric cinematography by Alfonso Sanz , a good cameraman who has photographed most films directed by Albadalejo , being and filmed in Madrid . Lively as well as adequate musical score by Lucio Godoy , a good professional who has composed soundtracks in a lot of successful movies such as ¨All about my mother¨, ¨Blackthorn¨, ¨Fin¨, ¨Amador¨. ¨Cuento Chino¨, ¨Mataharis¨ , ¨Melissa P¨ , among others . Besides , catching songs at the end . The motion picture was professionally directed by Miguel Albadalejo , a fine craftsman expert on comedy and drama as proved in ¨Bear Club¨, ¨Volando Voy¨, ¨Rencor¨, ¨Ataque Verbal¨ , ¨Cielo Abierto¨, and this ¨The first life of my life¨, among others . Rating : 7 . Better than average as well as funny comedy/drama . This a good-feeling movie filled with love , serenity , humor elements , drama and amusement . The flick will appeal to Spanish cinema buffs . Worthwhile seeing