Sherlock: The Abominable Bride (2016)
Season 4, Episode 0
Elementary it wasn't
3 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Sherlock the series has been brilliant so far. The two leads have been outstanding and the supporting cast has been extraordinarily good. This New Year special was too clever for it's own good and was nothing more than typical Moffat smoke and mirrors mess that went nowhere to end up somewhere that did not matter and state the obvious.

We wondered why we were in Victorian times investigating the mystery of how the Bride could rise from the dead after shooting herself through the head. And the answer was Sherlock who is obviously half Vulcan had retreated into the past in his mind to solve the mystery as to how Moriarty had returned.

How could he still be alive and the answer was simple. He had fired another invisible gun at the floor whilst holding a gun to his head and a coven of hooded women had replaced his 'body' with that of a dead lookalike. All as Sherlock stood there and watched.

But of course that could not have happened so what was the point of Sherlock solving a period mystery that had nothing to do with his modern one?

After solving the Bride mystery and digging up her modern grave Sherlock had an imaginary conversation with Moriarty at the famous Falls and then Watson, who had appeared out of nowhere, pushed him to his 'death'.

There were elements of the period story that were good but as soon as it was revealed why we were there all that was forgotten. In the end Sherlock stated that Moriarty was indeed dead but he now knew what his next move was. As with Dr Who a pointless far too clever story that did not work and will hopefully be forgotten soon enough when the new series begins.

Like Elementary I really enjoy Sherlock. Both series are smart and refreshingly original whilst using elements of the Conan Doyle stories. The whole point of Sherlock is it's a 21st century twist on the tales. The 19th century jaunt did not work at all and was both awful and pointless. Even though it began well and was superbly acted it soon nose dived into a well of mind boggling crap, which was not as clever as it thought, that hopefully we will not ever see again.
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