snails, snakes, pretty girls, and a punch and kick or two at most
6 January 2016
The adopted son has a dream and sea snail fairy tells him to be blood brothers with a sea snail on his table. Then the old man comes in and bosses him around. Turns out he is the heir to a fortune. There might be more to the story but the problem is this movie is listed as a martial arts movie. There is only one title for the movie. It was not renamed for the purpose of VHS rentals. The great Simon Yuen shows up about 50 minutes in and there is a brief fight. Then about ten minutes later the hero gets beat up and the girl's ghost enters his body and suddenly he is able to fight back. Two girls fight some fantasy creatures at the end also. I can't recommend this movie for fans of martial arts movies even though technically there are some fights. It is really just a poor fantasy movie tossed together in a way that makes no sense with a few fights added as an attempt to break the boredom. Even the great Simon Yuen failed to save this from a 2 out of 10 rating if you are expecting a martial arts movie. If you just want to see some pretty girls, including Candice Yu On-On (Chow Yun-Fat's ex-wife) then give it 4 out of 10.
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