Review of Not Today

Not Today (2013)
Important message lost
22 September 2015
This has to be one of the worst films I have seen.

'Not Today' has an important message, but sadly it is not the main one..... The religious hard sell is. To a non-believer such as myself, the endless references to God, the church and prayer are appalling. One or two references I can tolerate. But this!? Furthermore, the reasonable quality picture was frequently defaced underneath a layer scrawl. The subtitles, if indeed they can be termed that, since they were not 'sub', appeared randomly all over the screen in random fonts, colours and sizes. They were often made more distracting by being dynamic too. All this, when the viewers' attention should be focused on the images of the appalling conditions and hardships faced by the little girl and her father pictured in the background. On the DVD, I even had the subtitle option turned off, but this distracting 'arty-farty' nonsense remained.

Maybe the makers will think to remake, re-cut or re-edit this to play it straight and simple. Cutting the abundant reference to religion should also broaden its appeal and increase awareness of how badly too many people are still treated in today's world.

In my case, the DVD now resides in the rubbish bin, one of the few discs I have purchased that are not worth enduring for a second time.
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