Blunt is yet another instance of what has become known as "cringe" comedy, which is a genre of comedy that derives humor from social awkwardness. From the very start, Walter Blunt (whose name derives from Shakespeare and possibly Gordon R. Dickson) is a thoroughly unlikable character. Within minutes of the first episode opening Blunt has offended bar patrons and picked up a transgender hooker. The talk quickly devolves into penises and vaginas and goes even further downhill from there.
Now, I have no problem with humour of a sexual nature, but it seems that that is all that comedy writers are able to write about these days. I recently attended a comedy club in New York. Out of five acts, four consisted of nothing but "frank" talk about pussy and blow jobs. It's not "edgy". It's just talentless and crude.
Surely we can aspire to better and more clever comedy than Episodes, Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Comedians, and this latest pile of guaranteed (and intended) to offend pile of crap.
Now, I have no problem with humour of a sexual nature, but it seems that that is all that comedy writers are able to write about these days. I recently attended a comedy club in New York. Out of five acts, four consisted of nothing but "frank" talk about pussy and blow jobs. It's not "edgy". It's just talentless and crude.
Surely we can aspire to better and more clever comedy than Episodes, Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Comedians, and this latest pile of guaranteed (and intended) to offend pile of crap.