This movie was standard fare on L.A. area TV when I was growing up and I once saw it with my dad who was a professional soldier and Korean War veteran. The unit depicted in this movie is the 24th Infantry Division, the same unit that my dad was a member of in the early days of the war. During the battle for Taejon the 24th Infantry Division lost over 4500 soldiers killed or missing in 3 days of fighting and my dad was lucky to get out alive. My dad was very quiet when we saw this movie and I have never had the nerve since to ask him what he thought about it.
In my personal opinion as a professional soldier and combat veteran, as far as movies about the Korean War go, this one is as good as it gets. There are others such as "Porkchop Hill", "Fixed Bayonets" or "One Minute to Zero" that I would recommend, but none accurately depicts the desperation of the early days of the war when American soldiers were outnumbered and overwhelmed. This gritty war drama follows an infantry platoon with a vague mission to seize a hill, led by a platoon leader who is determined to follow those orders.
In this movie, soldiers die horrible deaths, on both sides. A black soldier (James Edwards) left behind to cover the rear of the column is strangled by North Korean infiltrators. Three North Koreans disguised as Americans are mercilessly gunned down. When two of his soldiers are killed in a mortar barrage, the platoon sergeant (Nehemiah Persoff) loses it and cries, "they got them!" and runs toward them to be killed himself. A North Korean POW is gunned down by his comrades when he appeals to them to surrender. Death takes lives at every turn when you least expect it and the tension takes its toll.
The incidents depicted in this movie really happen in war. Does anyone ever wonder why soldiers in combat are edgy and always in a bad mood? The soldiers are exhausted by lack of sleep, weary of danger, out of contact with higher headquarters and understrength for the mission they are assigned. This tension brings out conflicts between the men. Between MSG "Montana" (Aldo Ray) and the lieutenant (Robert Ryan), between the soldiers themselves and they ruthlessly take it out on the enemy.
In a memorable performance, actor Robert Keith plays "the Colonel", a regimental commander who has a mental breakdown after the loss of so many of his soldiers. His portrayal is based on real incidents that happened early in the war when seasoned commanders, some who were WWII veterans, broke down when faced with the overwhelming loss of soldiers during the fighting. Darwinism plays a role in war by winnowing out the weak and incompetent. Throughout the whole movie the shell shocked Colonel has no dialogue until the very end. In the middle of the battle the "Colonel" regains his senses and competently joins his beloved soldiers in their last fight to the death. As he is dying he utters a single word to his faithful sergeant (Aldo Ray), calling him "son".
These are not Hollywood dramatics. My wartime commander once told me that he saw me as his "son" until he got me home safe to my real dad. War creates a "brotherhood" between men that cannot be described to those who have never been there and this movie brings those relationships out.
There are also leadership lessons to be learned in this movie. When the platoon leader expresses doubt to his radio operator (Philip Pine) that anyone else is alive in Korea, his radioman says he knows it, but to hear it from a commander he trusts shakes his faith. As a combat leader, you do not say anything that creates or confirms doubts in your soldiers. You lead the way despite your doubts or misgivings and inspire them to follow.
There are too many other scenes to mention that are memorable. Vic Morrow plays a soldier who can barely hold it together emotionally, especially after Edward's character is brutally killed. Philip Pine plays a conscientious NCO whose faith in his platoon leader is unshakable.
If anyone thinks this is war movie melodrama, then you've never seen real combat. America has forgotten what it is like to suffer mass numbers of casualties like we suffered during Korea or Vietnam. And just like before the Korean War when we thought "push button" warfare had replaced close infantry combat, we are in for a rude shock if we ever go to war against a determined and well equipped enemy like the North Koreans. This movie is a reminder of that.
As in the lyrics of the closing theme, my dad remembers men he knew - LTC Otho Winstead, Chaplain Herman G. Felhoelter, MSG Robert Morrison, PFC Jaime Corona, MSG Leonard Talley and many others who did not come home - and to this day, I know that my dad still grieves for those friends he lost in that war fought so long ago.
In my personal opinion as a professional soldier and combat veteran, as far as movies about the Korean War go, this one is as good as it gets. There are others such as "Porkchop Hill", "Fixed Bayonets" or "One Minute to Zero" that I would recommend, but none accurately depicts the desperation of the early days of the war when American soldiers were outnumbered and overwhelmed. This gritty war drama follows an infantry platoon with a vague mission to seize a hill, led by a platoon leader who is determined to follow those orders.
In this movie, soldiers die horrible deaths, on both sides. A black soldier (James Edwards) left behind to cover the rear of the column is strangled by North Korean infiltrators. Three North Koreans disguised as Americans are mercilessly gunned down. When two of his soldiers are killed in a mortar barrage, the platoon sergeant (Nehemiah Persoff) loses it and cries, "they got them!" and runs toward them to be killed himself. A North Korean POW is gunned down by his comrades when he appeals to them to surrender. Death takes lives at every turn when you least expect it and the tension takes its toll.
The incidents depicted in this movie really happen in war. Does anyone ever wonder why soldiers in combat are edgy and always in a bad mood? The soldiers are exhausted by lack of sleep, weary of danger, out of contact with higher headquarters and understrength for the mission they are assigned. This tension brings out conflicts between the men. Between MSG "Montana" (Aldo Ray) and the lieutenant (Robert Ryan), between the soldiers themselves and they ruthlessly take it out on the enemy.
In a memorable performance, actor Robert Keith plays "the Colonel", a regimental commander who has a mental breakdown after the loss of so many of his soldiers. His portrayal is based on real incidents that happened early in the war when seasoned commanders, some who were WWII veterans, broke down when faced with the overwhelming loss of soldiers during the fighting. Darwinism plays a role in war by winnowing out the weak and incompetent. Throughout the whole movie the shell shocked Colonel has no dialogue until the very end. In the middle of the battle the "Colonel" regains his senses and competently joins his beloved soldiers in their last fight to the death. As he is dying he utters a single word to his faithful sergeant (Aldo Ray), calling him "son".
These are not Hollywood dramatics. My wartime commander once told me that he saw me as his "son" until he got me home safe to my real dad. War creates a "brotherhood" between men that cannot be described to those who have never been there and this movie brings those relationships out.
There are also leadership lessons to be learned in this movie. When the platoon leader expresses doubt to his radio operator (Philip Pine) that anyone else is alive in Korea, his radioman says he knows it, but to hear it from a commander he trusts shakes his faith. As a combat leader, you do not say anything that creates or confirms doubts in your soldiers. You lead the way despite your doubts or misgivings and inspire them to follow.
There are too many other scenes to mention that are memorable. Vic Morrow plays a soldier who can barely hold it together emotionally, especially after Edward's character is brutally killed. Philip Pine plays a conscientious NCO whose faith in his platoon leader is unshakable.
If anyone thinks this is war movie melodrama, then you've never seen real combat. America has forgotten what it is like to suffer mass numbers of casualties like we suffered during Korea or Vietnam. And just like before the Korean War when we thought "push button" warfare had replaced close infantry combat, we are in for a rude shock if we ever go to war against a determined and well equipped enemy like the North Koreans. This movie is a reminder of that.
As in the lyrics of the closing theme, my dad remembers men he knew - LTC Otho Winstead, Chaplain Herman G. Felhoelter, MSG Robert Morrison, PFC Jaime Corona, MSG Leonard Talley and many others who did not come home - and to this day, I know that my dad still grieves for those friends he lost in that war fought so long ago.