Very funny movie
7 April 2016
The folks who think it is dumb, racist, chauvinistic, lots of overused clichés, are wrong in my opinion. It is a really fun movie to unwind after a hard days work, i recommend it truly, especially to age 16-35, older folks would smirk at it, but they love to watch films like Mission impossible or James Bond. This is great movie in all. Made me smile. Now, in saying that, having seen movies like the purge, resident evil, saw movies, meet the parents, walking dead, this movie indeed takes a lot from those , that's why this movie is semi- called a parody. Seems similar to scream 2, scream 3, pretty clever graphics for a crazy family horror comedy. Was at one point thinking it was set near sun, was filmed in a hot weather. In this age of politically correct movies and countless re-makes and dynasty franchise blockbusters this is a nice departure into the world of silliness and craziness , which is a lovely thing and we should rejoice about that fact.
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